Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Commercial Break

I interrupt the current programming about the Great Montana Adventure of 2014 for a little CrossFit talk. Because you know us CrossFitters... We only talk about CrossFit.

Here's why I talk about CrossFit sooooooooooooooooo much!

So, the other night I was talking to a potential new Packer while the coaches were doin' their thing. I think that in that moment I got a flashback of what it was like to enter The Pack for the first time. Granted I think it was slightly less intimidating that that time because there was less people and a smaller box. Scary none-the-less. Here's the break down of how I became a Packer and changed my life forever! (Not even joking!)

What I as looking for...

1. I was trying to get healthy, and the eliptical at home was not doin' it for me anymore. After 3 months of that business I was OVER IT!

2. I needed friends. I had (fairly) recently moved to Twin Falls and I was looking for an outlet. A group of people that I could relate to. Friends.

3. I knew that if I was going to maintain a work out routine I needed someone to hold my hand. Ok, not literally... but I needed and still need someone who I know will hold me accountable and keep me active.

What I did...

1. Started asking people for gym ideas. My cousin suggested CrossFit. I had never heard of it before.

2. I started looking into gyms. I started checking out pricing for personal training (see #3) and looking at websites.

3. I found The Pack and made a call. I remember Henry calling me back and telling me about CrossFit. I literally did no research on what CrossFit even was. Thank goodness, because I would have never gone! I did say things like, "Well I'm not in very good shape..."

4. Henry convinced me to come in that night to try it out.

5. I went in that night and did a work out with Kristin. I was dying. It was an easy work out. But I was sold! Done. Son.

6. I went to the store afterwards and bought new work out clothes and shoes. (No Joke. I think I have a problem.)

What I got...

1. I got an exciting new work out everyday that makes me want to cut limbs off, tear my lungs out, and die, BUT that keeps me coming back for more.

2. I found friends. Not just like "Hey, how are you?" Friends... BUT "What can I do to help you friends?" And they're super funny.

3. I found a people to hold me accountable. I've never tested it, but I'm fairly certain they'd come to my house if I didn't show up for a few days with explanation. Maybe I should test it... :)

4. I found a place that literally brightens my spirits just by being there. There's something magical about people pushing themselves to their limits. There's something infectious about people doing things they never dreamed they'd do. There's something exciting about a room of people filled with endorphins!!!

5. I found a people who support me and recognize even my smallest accomplishment. And who will come beside me and do burpees or pull ups or run with me when I'm struggling. Not because they have to, but because they want to see me succeed and because they know that sometimes we all need a little extra encouragement.

6. I have seen results! Who doesn't want to see results??? For real!!! I've seen results in my body's shape, BUT more importantly I've gotten so strong! I can pick things up with no problem. I can do any physical activity without feeling intimidated by it! Cuz I CrossFit... duh!

7. A place that can tailor my workouts to me. If I can't do things like everyone else... My coaches/friends take the time to help me figure out a way to work the same muscles but do something I can do. And let me tell you, I am the queen of modifications!

8. I have increased my Bad Assery by 50%.

I know that not all CrossFit gyms are like this, and that I am lucky.

I can't imagine my life without The Pack.

It turns out the concerns I once had, this future Packer had too! So, I'm here to say... don't be afraid friends. The Pack is full of kind and loving people who want you to succeed as much or more than you do! Change your life and get your ass in there!

PLUS if you do it in January you only have to pay $50 not $125 for the first month. So do this shit.

I love The Pack!

Yay, CrossFit!

Ok... I'm done!


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