Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 10

You wanna know what I'm eating right now??? 

Do ya???

Do ya???


I wanted Salmon so bad today, and not the normal salmon I buy from Costco that is frozen. I mean that salmon is good too... BUT I wanted the fresh stuff!!!

I marched my happy ass down to Albertson's and bought a pound of salmon. I mean really it wasn't too expensive, and I figured I could eat it for two meals... Uh... yea... Definitely might not make it that long! Ha! 

It's so good though... SO GOOD!!! 

Today was rough!!! I let myself get down too low on groceries and ran out of ideas for what to cook.... I was feeling lazy and didn't want to figure anything out for lunch or dinner. 

I fought through it though!!! I also bought some blue berries and raspberries... That kind of helped. 

I just feel so hungry all the effing time!!! 

I need to go grocery shopping, but I think I'm going to do a few things differently this time. I'm going to come up with some solid ideas of what I might want to eat. Something besides chicken and salad. I'm going to make sure there is always something that is prepared/easily prepared that I can eat any time on a whim. I'm not sure what that will be... but I'm usually EFFING hungry after Cross Fit!!! Then I eat (far too many) fruit leathers while I cook. There has to be a better alternative.... right??? 

I'm not sure what any of this will be, but Thursday just became my day off. That'll give me time to come up with something! 

I'll let you know what Google and I come up with for meals and snacks. Until then I'm going to ice my knees and watch WEEDS!!! 


PS: I did eat an entire pound of salmon. Nom, Nom, Nom... 

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