Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 4

You should know that I feel like an evil inventor right now... bwahahahaha...

You should know that when you're a single lady left overs are always a problem. Seriously, I eat the same thing for 2 weeks in a row it feels like. In my old life I would go out to eat to break up the monotony... Not such an option now. Instead I have to get creative with what I have.

Here is the list of things I combined. Hamburger patty, 2 eggs, tomatoes, spinach, and avocado.

Here's how I threw down:

1. I chopped up the tomatoes,  bacon, and spinach.

2. I fried half of the tomatoes, bacon, and spinach in a frying pan.

3. Once the bacon was cooked, I piled it all up and put a little whole in the middle.

4. I cracked an egg in the hole so the yolk was in the hole and the bacon and veggies were all up in the egg white.

5. I flipped it like normal and when ready I put it down on the plate first.

6. I put a heated up hamburger patty (remember, leftovers) on top.

7. I piled it with half an avocado

8. I repeated steps 2 - 5, except this time I put the egg on top.

Remember: Leave the yolks runny. Nothing quite like yummy yolk running over it all... Mmmmmmmmmm....

Seriously, I should have taken a picture. It's gone now though. I even licked the plate clean. You think I'm joking... Maybe I did... Maybe I didn't... Only the Chihuahuas know the truth!!!

Today was a much better day. I really feel like I'm accomplishing something with every successful day, and not feeling like I'm torturing myself. It's amazing how a simple change in attitude can change things.

I will say that I've hit the "tired" stage of the cleanse. Kristin warned me about this, but I thought I had a few days. No, such luck. I'm going to keep pushing through though, because that means the energy part is just on the other side of this hill!

As a side note... My dogs are ridiculous. My little dog gets under the chair in the living room and then taunt my "big" dog, because he can't fit under there. He then runs around in circles whining and barking like the world is coming to an end... THEN she darts out and gets him. So crazy...

Any who... Tonight's big decision... Lara bar or fruit leather... I'm living for that choice at the end of the day.


  1. I'm so excited you are blogging about this!
    Maybe this will be what I need to do after baby Gill has been here for a while!
    Miss you friend!

  2. Jen!!! Awww... Baby Gill!!!

    If you do let me know!!! It's pretty intense, but I'm hoping for great results. I haven't heard anyone say that it wasn't worth it. I'll let you know!!!

    Miss you too!!! :)
