Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 3 For the Win!

So, I'm writing this with my yummy plate of chicken, peppers, green beans, and BACON!! Yum!! It does make typing awkward though...

Today was much better. For real. So much better.

The morning was definitely different though. You know the problem with changing your diet  lifestyle is that life happens and,  if your like me and new to this whole process, it can be hard to cope with and still keep up your diet  life style change.

Today's curve ball was that I had a doctors appointment 2 hours away, and had to fast before. That means I left here at 7 (the time I usually eat breakfast) and drove for 2 hours, had blood taken out of my body, and then had to drive back. I knew that if I waited until I got home to eat I'd die. Seriously, probably would have died. My solution to this was to pack my Spark packet, my fiber packet, a fruit bar (that I bought last night), and plenty of water. So, after the doctors appointment I mixed up my Spark and drank that yumminess down. THEN I drove for like 20 minutes and mixed up my fiber drink to drink down. Now, I had to pull over to drink that fiber stuff, because every time I drink it I gag and I didn't feel like explaining to a cop that I wrecked because I gagged. Call me crazy. Anyways... Drank the fiber and gagged. Then as I was driving away I ate my fruit bar.

Now, I realize that eating a fruit bar every morning is not OK. But I'm pretty freaking proud of myself for taking that curve ball and running with it and not even ruining my diet!! I'm awesome... I know.

In more good news for lunch I had my burger, bacon, egg, and avocado and it was perfect!!!

I did get tired this afternoon though. I'm told this is normal. About 4pm I decided to take some more Spark, which was definitely a good call. I was happy at CrossFit and I think I did pretty well!

&&& The final piece of good news for today...


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