Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 6

What a day, what a day!

I started with a KILLER workout with the Pack. It was super painful, but so fun! Seriously, Crossfit has to be the only place that I enjoy pain that much. Ha!

During the work out I definitely dropped a 35lb bar on my head. Uh... It was pretty painful, and I think I may have gotten a minor concussion. It's fine... I'm fine... Ha!

I also mowed my lawn and cleaned my entire house!!! The goal was to take care of everything I need to do, so I can sleep all day long tomorrow. I'm going to be lazy, and it's going to be awesome!!!

I did make something yummy today!!! It's my version of Ceviche!!!

First, I cooked up my shrimp. My mom did this one time, and it works awesome!!! I put shrimp all over the cookie sheet. Then I covered it in lime juice and this "Fiesta Lime" seasoning.

You put it in the oven at 350 for about 10 minutes. 

It looks like this when it's done. Nom, Nom, Nom... 

I then chopped up cucumber, onion, avocado, bell peppers, tomatoes, cilantro and the shrimp.

I combined all the yumminess and covered it in 3 limes worth of juice. I added a bit more of that "Fiesta Lime" seasoning as well. 

Doesn't that look incredible? 

Well it was!!! 

I recommend you all it it.

It's Paleo, Yo!

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