Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 2

Seriously, today was almost the last day of this bull shit.


I was hungry and I wanted anything and everything sugary...

So I walk into Cross Fit and I'm all angry like. I tell Kristin I'm effing hungry (actually I used the real word, woops) and want candy and don't want to do this bull shit anymore.

Her being the nice person she is goes and gets me a fruit leather (I didn't even know I could eat those)!

Then we start doing the work out. Seriously it was brutal before we even got to the WOD. I'm pretty sure the only thing I said was "this is stupid" "this is dumb" and "I don't like this". Though, that's not odd... my tone was for serious.

Then we get to the WOD. I'm tired and bitchy and hungry and it's a very arm/shoulder intensive WOD. I have weak arms/shoulders currently so I hate WODs that involve those!!! HATE THEM!!! I'm sure within 5 minutes there were tears in my eyes. I was so frustrated. Ugh!

After I finished my friends noticed, and they put on their pep talk pants. Seriously they're amazing. I don't know what I did to deserve meeting such great people, but they're amazing!!!

They gave me some pointers. Talked about what to look for on labels and suggested some yumminess. Basically when reading labels, start with foods that are organic. That means you can probably read all the ingredients. You want things that have around 3 or less sugars. Also, you don't want "sugar" or any "ose" in the first 3 ingredients, if at all. "Ose" is like sucrose, glucose, and everything else they use to disguise sugar.

I was still pretty discouraged when I left there, but came home stoked to eat my burger with fried egg, bacon, and avocado!!! Yumm, right??? Except over cooked the burger, my avocado wasn't ripe, and I broke my egg yolk.

I'm not making this shit up!!! If the Advocare system didn't cost so much I would have quit this shit. Well, and I didn't have anything in my house that was good enough to justify cheating. (Good forethought on my part.)

I ate my crappy burger and took a shower, and I went to the store with wet hair, white running shorts, white flip flops, and a white pink long sleeve T-shirt. I'm sure people thought, "Who's this bitch." Well... I DON'T CARE... or didn't... now that I look back on it I probably could compete with peopleofwalmart.com except I was in Fred Meyer.

Anywho, I bought Lara bars and fruit leather. THE BEST PURCHASE OF MY LIFE!!! Seriously, Lara bars should be given a purple heart or something cool. I want to meet Lara, whoever she is. Mmmm... Pretty sure they saved my Paleo lifestyle change.

I now am happy. My sweet craving has been fulfilled, and I think I will rest at peace tonight.

Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully a better day. With Lara I'm sure it will be. :)

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